exercise has been a good thing for me. yes, losing weight is an awesome thing (I have a good 20lbs to go) but for me it magically removes stress. not all of it, but a significant amount to make a noticeable difference. my emotions clog me up and walking seems to help ... good music is required because I have a major hill to climb each time!

there is something that leaves my body along with my sweat ... some way or another ... it somehow vanishes. my hormones would like to thank you, er, me, as well as Auntie Flo hasn't been such a, how can I say, um, bitch.
- I've tried doing Wii Fit at naptime, but now that is the majority of our homeschool time.
- I've tried involving the children going swimming, but we can never keep a consistent schedule.
- I've succumbed to what I never wanted to be, and that's a morning person. I have to get up at 5am in order to walk by 6am, home by 7am ... if I'm lucky, they will still be sleeping when I get home.
lately, that has not been the case with Elliott. as I walk in the door, I've found him in the fridge with food everywhere ... he's usually so happy to see me, so its hard to get him in trouble for entertaining himself.
ps. I don't just leave the kids home alone, hoping they stay sleeping. dad is around, he's still sleeping too ... the bum!
its been so nice having this time, that its now necessary. I can feel it emotionally if I don't go. I good habit to start, I suppose. helps with the drinking water habit I'd like to have too.
anyway, a big thank you to me (can I do that?) for finding a solution and sticking with it! whoo-hoo!
what can you thank yourself for today?
pps. isn't it "funny" how this post follows the last one? just something I noticed :)
1 comment:
You should be thankful for yourself! And, that's hilarious that Matt doesn't wake up when Elliott does. Does he not hear him?
I was on such a good exercise routine during the summer, then did nothing when school started, and am finally starting again. You're right. Not only does it feels good physically, it's good emotionally as well!
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