Thankful Thursday

If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, "thank you," that would suffice. 
~Meister Eckhart

  1. all the car drama was taken care of the way it was.  the what sucked, but the who, where, when, & how was ideal.
  2. a dear friend who is coming out of a very low season of her life.
  3. Here Is Love cd by Brian & Jenn Johnson ... I think you can download a song for free HERE.
  4. that there are enough diapers!
  5. all my baby steps are starting to make a difference.
  6. the sunshine finally showing up ...
  7. and the flip-flops that go along with that sunshine.
  8. Highlights magazine for the kids.
  9. chocolate ice cream.
  10. the willingness of those to write me encouraging & supportive recommendation letters ... and the hopes of getting a job close to home.
what are you thankful for?
Join us HERE at Curious Georgi.


Candra Georgi said...

again, love your list.

LOVE bethel's worship cds

loving me some flip flops too

what age do you think the magazines are good for? never bought for our kids yet

Candra Georgi said...

ironically, i'm watching Leap Year [a movie] right now and she is a professional room stager, never even heard of that career and now i've heard of it twice in one day ; )