a few things haven't changed -
his laugh! he's got a chuckle that comes from his gut. I love to hear that gut-busting kind of laugh from people, but when kids do that, and better yet when mine does it, it's so contagious. I love it! he is definitely a funny-man; just loves to be silly.
he was born part-monkey! he climbed out of his crib at 15 months and hasn't stopped since. at about 18 months he got 11 stitches from a climbing adventure, but of course, it didn't phase him one bit. no fear.
he's always been very independent. so curious about everything; loves to experiment. he's going to be some kind of engineer one day.
it's amazing the many transformations children make - from newborn to toddler, and now toddler to kid. Sam is now speaking clearly and in full sentences, becoming very opinionated and expressing himself, learning to read and write, becoming his own person. God is at work!
since we weren't having a party this year, we were going to go to Disneyland. the Santa Ana winds kicked in today, and if you don't know, it's soooooo windy you can't walk down the street! so instead we went bowling and had birthday cake at home. our gift to him was a big boy bike with training wheels and helmet. he's in love!
he's a great kid and a true blessing to me.
Happy Birthday, Sam! He is so cute and so sweet!
They GROW up so fast...
Thanks for having 24/7 MOMS on your blog roll...did you see the video from our first 24/7 MOMS confernece..it was an amazing event.
Trisha Novotny
I hope Sam had a vry happy birthday! It sounds like it was a special day.
Happy Birthday, Sam! He is such a great kid, I miss you guys! He looks so grown up on his big boy bike!
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