he then goes to Matthew and writes him a ticket for no seatbelt. he never wears his seatbelt, so its due time he gets busted for it. in CO it is not law to wear a helmet while riding a motorcycle, which drives him crazy! "so if you can legally unprotect yourself that way, then who cares if I wear my seatbelt?!"

then the cop comes back to my car and starts talking to Sam. turns out Sam had the lap part of the belt on but not the chest strap. guess what? I got a ticket for that! whatever. so he EVENTUALLY comes back with my information, my lovely ticket and I sign away.
do you have any idea how much a seatbelt ticket is? I always thought it was $20ish, for a first offense. $86.50!! as a family, we got 2 of those in a matter of 5 seconds. whatever!
he gave you a ticket too??? what a douchebag!!
Lame. It's the end of the month, the cop had to make his quota. Haha. Sorry you guys got busted!
here in new york, the cops were out with a vengeance this morning.
hope you didn't get one Steve!
no, they were nice to me that day..
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