Santa explained that his job delivering gifts was in honor of Jesus' birthday and that Jesus is the one we say thanks to, not to him. we tried to connect Santa and Jesus the best we could. I also made cupcakes so we could sing Happy Birthday to Jesus. corny I know, but hopefully the connection was made. I think he got it.
we left Santa cookies Christmas Eve, and we woke up to find he left one behind for Sam. as Sam was about to take a bite, I noticed something else already had nibbled at it. we were pretty sure Santa left us more mice! darn Santa!
it took a few days, but we caught 2 more mice. I hope that is it. I'm sick of finding mouse poop everywhere. seriously, I've found it in such strange places. at least they never ventured upstairs to our bedrooms!

and here are the boys with some of their gifts.
Sam scored a few games, a magic set, and his favorites, these skates and this grabber thingy from his grandparents.

Christmas was nice this year. we were home with each other for once, with no obligations.
of course we did miss the family; next year we plan on taking a big trip up, down, and around CA to see everyone. or you guys could all come to us ... let's flip a coin!
I hope your Christmas was wonderful! let's be sure to celebrate our freedom in Christ everyday, not just December 25th.
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