Elliott's first swing ride. he did pretty good. can't quite stay sitting up though; the seat is too big still.
we live about 5 or so blocks from a park. we go whenever the sun shines, otherwise, it's just too cold!

Elliott sat in this jumper off and on for a couple of months; only now is he starting to have fun with it. Sam never had one of these. even while pregnant with Elliott, times are so different 3 1/2 years later.

cute slippers, right?! I love those bear feet.

and last but not least is Elliott and Auntie Elizabeth. she is 3 and within 10 seconds of us walking into her house, she wants to hold the baby. she does pretty good, considering. this time, Elliott wasn't too happy about it. she just loves him to pieces!
He is SOOO cute! Are you calling him Elliott more now? You're confusing me, Katie! :)
I love those slippers! Silas loves his feet, too. I took some pictures yesterday of him eating his toes.
you know, I don't know!
I call Sam, Sam (obviously) and Samuel just as much. I think I'm doing that with Elliott too.
it's when I use their first and middle name together, they're in trouble! bad habit, I know.
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