today on Father's Day we had a couple of firsts -
we went geo-caching. basically you go out looking for buried treasures, as Sam says. the website ( will give you coordinates for your GPS, and then you're off. some of them have just a logbook to sign; some have stuff in them, you take one, but you also have to leave something; some are way of the beaten path and it's a hike to find; and still others are riddles/puzzles that take some effort to locate.
I forgot my camera on our adventure, bummer!! but we had lots of fun and want to begin a weekly adventure. our family day is usually on Sundays after church, so I'll post some pictures of our discovery next week. you ought to try it, it's fun, and they're located everywhere!!

the other first today was bath time for Eli ... and yes, we decided to call him Eli rather than Elliott. I know some people say to bathe babies everyday, others say every once/twice per week, but I say do it when they need it. babies just don't get dirty ... especially compared to 3 year olds! oh my goodness, what a difference!
Eli was completely relaxed in the warm water; he loved it! so relaxed that he pooped on Papa, so that cut bathtime short for everyone. :) afterwards, I fed him and now he's out cold. hhmmm, maybe we'll do it more often for the sleepiness factor.
I love my boys! Happy Father's Day Papa!