turning 5

my Sam just turned 5. he's been talking about turning five for months; he's been so excited. silly me, I thought he was excited for his birthday to get a few presents. nope, he's was more excited to tell people his age and be able to hold out his whole hand to show them. he did get a few presents, but he like the birthday sundaes we made more. I'm glad he's not focused on the material things ... I wonder how long that will last. my hope, forever.

my camera is officially broken, so I don't have pics to post. :(
but we did get silly with the mac the other night, so here is what 5 looks like ... sort of. aren't we cute?!

I love my son to pieces. he has helped me so much in his 5 short years, he has no idea. I hope to tell him one day, without crying my eyeballs out that is!
in short, God gave me this verse specifically about Samuel a few years ago -
Hebrews 1:14 Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?

happy 5th birthday son, you are a true blessing.

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